A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. |
1 |
Thrivent Financial |
31 |
Advantus Capital Management, Inc |
13 |
US Bancorp |
18 |
AEI Fund Management, Inc. |
1 |
FAF Advisors |
17 |
Alder Management LLC |
1 |
Piper Jaffray |
14 |
Alerus Financial |
1 |
Advantus Capital Management, Inc |
13 |
All Star Financial |
1 |
ELCBA Board of Pensions |
13 |
Allegiance Financial Group |
1 |
Peregrine Investments, LLC |
12 |
Alliance Capital Management Corp |
2 |
Riversource Investments, LLC |
12 |
Allianz Life Insurance Co. of NA |
6 |
SIT Investment Associates Inc |
12 |
Allina Hospital & Clinics |
1 |
Saint Paul Travelers |
10 |
Allison-Williams Company |
2 |
Jeffrey Slocum & Associates Inc |
8 |
Allstate Investments, LLC |
1 |
Lowry Hill |
7 |
American Express Financial Corp |
6 |
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America |
6 |
Ameriprise Financial |
6 |
American Express Financial |
6 |
Ameriprise Trust Co |
1 |
Ameriprise Financial |
6 |
Analytics Investment Advisors |
1 |
Mairs and Power, Inc |
6 |
Arbor Capital Management, LLC |
2 |
Clifton Group, Inc |
5 |
AXA Investment Managers, Inc |
4 |
RBC Dain Rauscher Inc |
5 |
Bemis Company |
1 |
Securian Financial Services, Inc |
5 |
Benefit & Investment Consulting, LLC |
1 |
AXA Investment Managers, Inc |
4 |
Benfield Inc. |
1 |
Dain Rauscher Inc |
4 |
Black River Asset Management |
3 |
LarsonAllen Financial, LLC |
4 |
Blue Rock Advisors Inc. |
1 |
Leuthold Group |
7 |
BNC National Bank |
1 |
Minnesota State Board of Investment |
4 |
Bremer Financial Services, Inc |
2 |
Riverbridge Partners, LLC |
4 |
Brown Wealth Management, LLC |
1 |
South Dakota Investment Office |
4 |
Brunel Associates |
1 |
3M Company |
3 |
C.C. Dunnavan & Co., Inc. |
3 |
Black River Asset Management |
3 |
Canadian Pacific Railway |
1 |
C.C. Dunnavan & Co, Inc |
3 |
Cargill Financial Services Corp |
3 |
Cargill Financial Services Corp |
3 |
Carideo Group, Inc. |
1 |
Carlson School of Management |
3 |
Carleton College Endowment |
1 |
Compass Capital Management |
3 |
Carlson School of Management |
3 |
Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC |
3 |
Clifton Group |
5 |
Disciplined Growth Investors |
3 |
Compass Capital Management |
3 |
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis |
3 |
Comptroller of the Currency |
2 |
Federated Insurance |
3 |
Cornerstone Private Asset Trust Company |
1 |
ING Investment Management Inc |
3 |
Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC |
3 |
Marshall BankFirst Corp |
3 |
Creative Investment Research, Inc |
1 |
Next Century Growth Investors, LLC |
3 |
Dain Rauscher Inc |
4 |
Northstar Capital, Ltd |
3 |
Daniel Capital Group LLC |
1 |
Perkins Capital Management Inc |
3 |
Dartmouth College Truch School of Business |
1 |
Speece Thorson Capital Group, Inc |
3 |
Deephaven Capital Management |
1 |
St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company |
3 |
Deluxe Corporation |
1 |
Stonebridge Capital Advisors |
3 |
Disciplined Growth Investors |
3 |
Voyageur Asset Management Inc |
3 |
Dougherty & Co., LLC |
1 |
White Pine Capital, LLC |
3 |
Dow Jones & Company, Inc |
1 |
Windsor Financial Group, Inc |
3 |
Dunn Financial Group Inc |
1 |
Alliance Capital Management Corp |
2 |
EB Holdings |
1 |
Allison-Williams Company |
2 |
EBF & Associates |
1 |
Arbor Capital Management, LLC |
2 |
ELCA Board of Pensions |
7 |
Bremer Financial Services, Inc |
2 |
FAF Advisors |
17 |
Comptroller of the Currency |
2 |
Falker Investments, Inc |
1 |
Feltl and Company |
2 |
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis |
3 |
Fifth Third Asset Management |
2 |
Federated Insurance |
3 |
Galliard Capital Mangement, Inc |
2 |
Fetl and Company |
2 |
Kenwood Capital Management |
2 |
Fiduciary Counselling, Inc |
1 |
Kopp Investment Advisors |
2 |
Fifth Third Asset Management |
2 |
Lazard Asset Management |
2 |
First Asset Management |
2 |
Limpert Capital Market Research, Inc |
2 |
First National Bank in Sioux Falls |
1 |
M&I Investment Management Corp |
2 |
Fortis, Inc |
1 |
Marquette Capital Partners |
2 |
Friedman Billings Ramsey |
1 |
Medtronic Inc |
2 |
Frontenac Partners, LLC |
1 |
Merrill Lynch |
2 |
G.L. Greenberg & Associates |
1 |
Minnesota Life Insurance Company |
2 |
Galliard Capital Management, Inc |
2 |
Nationwide Insurance |
2 |
GE Commercial Finance |
1 |
Northland Securities |
2 |
General Mills, Inc |
1 |
St Paul Companies |
2 |
Genworth Financial |
1 |
U of Minnesota Foundation Investment Advisors |
2 |
GMAC Residential Funding Corporation |
1 |
University of St Thomas |
2 |
GMAC RFC Capital Markets |
1 |
Varde Partners, Inc |
2 |
Goldsmith Agio Helms |
1 |
Whitebox Advisors |
2 |
Great Northern Capital |
1 |
Winslow Capital Management, Inc |
2 |
H.B. Fuller Company |
1 |
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc |
1 |
Hutchinson Technology |
1 |
AEI Fund Management, Inc |
1 |
IDS Advisory Group |
1 |
Alder Management LLC |
1 |
Incredible, Inc |
1 |
Alerus Financial |
1 |
ING Investment Management Inc |
3 |
All Star Financial |
1 |
Jabs, Gehrig & Company |
1 |
Allegiance Financial Group |
1 |
Jeffrey Slocum & Associates Inc |
8 |
Allina Hospitals & Clinics |
1 |
JMN Investments Research (P) Ltd |
1 |
Allstate Investments, LLC |
1 |
JP Morgan H&Q |
1 |
Ameriprise Trust Company |
1 |
Jundt Associates, Inc |
1 |
Analytics Investment Advisors |
1 |
Kenwood Capital Management |
2 |
Bemis Company |
1 |
Knappenberger Bayer |
1 |
Benefit & Investment Consulting, LLC |
1 |
Kopp Investment Advisors |
2 |
Benfield, Inc |
1 |
LarsonAllen Financial, LLC |
4 |
Blue Rock Advisors Inc |
1 |
Lazard Asset Management |
2 |
BNC National Bank |
1 |
Lenander Financial Advisory, Inc |
1 |
Brown Wealth Management, LLC |
1 |
Leuthold Group |
7 |
Brunel Associates |
1 |
Liberty Point Corporation |
1 |
Canadian Pacific Railway |
1 |
Life USA Insurance Company |
1 |
Carideo Group, Inc |
1 |
Limpert Capital Market Research, Inc |
2 |
Carleton College Endowment |
1 |
Linwood Capital, LLC |
1 |
Cornerstone Private Asset Trust Company, LLC |
1 |
Lloyds TSB Bank PLC |
1 |
Creative Investment Research, Inc |
1 |
Lowry Hill |
7 |
Daniel Capital Group LLC |
1 |
M&I Investment Management Corp |
2 |
Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business |
1 |
Mairs and Power, Inc |
6 |
Deephaven Capital Management |
1 |
Marquette Capital Partners |
2 |
Deluxe Corp |
1 |
Marshall Bankfirst Corp |
3 |
Dougherty & Co, LLC |
1 |
Medallion Capital, Inc |
1 |
Dow Jones & Co, Inc |
1 |
Medtronic Inc |
2 |
Dunn Financial Group Inc |
1 |
Merrill Lynch |
2 |
EB Holdings |
1 |
Mid-America Financial and Real Estate Serv |
1 |
EBF & Associates |
1 |
Midland Advisors Company |
1 |
Falker Investments, Inc |
1 |
Midwest Financial Management Inc |
1 |
Fiduciary Counselling, Inc |
1 |
Miller Johnson Steichen Kinnard, Inc |
1 |
First National Bank in Sioux Falls |
1 |
Minneapolis Portfolio Management Group, LLC |
1 |
Fortis, Inc |
1 |
Minnesota Life Insurance Company |
2 |
Friedman Billings Ramsey |
1 |
Minnesota State Board of Investment |
4 |
Frontenac Partners, LLC |
1 |
Minnesota State University, Mankato |
1 |
G.L. Greenberg & Associates |
1 |
MoneyGram International |
1 |
GE Commercial Finance |
1 |
Mosaic Company |
1 |
General Mills, Inc |
1 |
MSI Insurance |
1 |
Genworth Financial |
1 |
1 |
GMAC Residential Funding Corp |
1 |
Nationwide Insurance |
2 |
GMAC RFC Capital Markets |
1 |
Nestle Canada, Inc |
1 |
Goldsmith Agio Helms |
1 |
Next Century Growth Investors, LLC |
3 |
Great Northern Capital |
1 |
North Dakota State University |
1 |
H.B. Fuller Company |
1 |
Northland Securities |
2 |
Hutchinson Technology |
1 |
Northstar Capital, Ltd |
3 |
IDS Advisory |
1 |
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network |
1 |
Incredible, Inc |
1 |
Norwest Investment Management, Inc |
1 |
Jabs, Gehrig & Co |
1 |
Norwest Mezzanine Partners |
1 |
JMN Investments Research (P) Ltd |
1 |
Oak Ridge Financial Services Group Inc |
1 |
JP Morgan H&Q |
1 |
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency |
1 |
Jundt Associates, Inc |
1 |
Pasqua Wealth Management P.A. |
1 |
Knappenberger Bayer |
1 |
Peregrine Capital Management |
12 |
Lenander Financial Advisory, Inc |
1 |
Perennial Group |
1 |
Liberty Point Corp |
1 |
Perkins Capital Management, Inc |
3 |
Life USA Insurance Co |
1 |
Piper Jaffray |
14 |
Linwood Capital, Inc |
1 |
Plexus/ITG Inc |
1 |
Lloyds TSB Bank PLC |
1 |
Principal Global Investors |
1 |
Medallion Capital, Inc |
1 |
Providence Capital LLC |
1 |
Mid-America Financial and Real Estate Services |
1 |
Punch and Associates Investment Management |
1 |
Midland Advisors Co |
1 |
RBC Capital Markets |
1 |
Midwest Financial Management Inc |
1 |
RBC Dain Rauscher Inc |
5 |
Miller Johnson Steichen Kinnard, Inc |
1 |
Riverbridge Partners, LLC |
4 |
Minneapolis Porfolio Management Group, LLC |
1 |
Riversource Investments, LLC |
12 |
Minnesota State University, Mankato |
1 |
Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc |
1 |
MoneyGram International |
1 |
Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi LLP |
1 |
Mosaic Company |
1 |
Saint Paul Travelers |
10 |
MSI Insurance |
1 |
Schweser Study Program |
1 |
1 |
SEC Insight, Inc |
1 |
Nestle Canada, Inc |
1 |
Securian Financial Services, Inc |
5 |
North Dakota State University |
1 |
Sentry Investment Management |
1 |
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network |
1 |
SIT Investment Associates Inc |
12 |
Norwest Investment Management, Inc |
1 |
Somerset Asset Management, LLC |
1 |
Norwest Mezzanine Partners |
1 |
South Dakota Investment Office |
4 |
Oak Ridge Financial Services Group Inc |
1 |
Speece Thorson Capital Group, Inc |
3 |
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency |
1 |
St. Paul Companies, Inc |
2 |
Pasqua Wealth Management P.A. |
1 |
St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company |
3 |
Perennial Group |
1 |
State Fund Mutual Insurance Company |
1 |
Plexus/ITG Inc |
1 |
State of Wisconsin Investment Board |
1 |
Principal Global Investors |
1 |
Stifel Nicolaus |
1 |
Providence Capital LLC |
1 |
Stillwater Investment Management, LLC |
1 |
Punch and Associates Investment Management |
1 |
Stone Bridge Capital |
3 |
RBC Capital Markets |
1 |
Stonehill Group, LLP |
1 |
Robert W Baird Co Inc |
1 |
Summit Creek Advisors, LLC |
1 |
Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi LLP |
1 |
Target Financial Sevices |
1 |
Schweser Study Program |
1 |
Think Federal Credit Union |
1 |
SEC Insight, Inc |
1 |
ThinkEquity Partners |
1 |
Sentry Investment Management |
1 |
Thrivent Financial |
31 |
Somerset Asset Management, LLC |
1 |
Tradewinds Investment Advisors |
1 |
State Fund Mutual Insurance Company |
1 |
Twele Capital Management, Inc |
1 |
State of Wisconsin Investment Board |
1 |
UBS Financial Services Inc |
1 |
Stifel Nicolaus |
1 |
Ulland Investment Advisors, Inc |
1 |
Stillwater Investment Management, LLC |
1 |
United Bankers Bank |
1 |
Stonehill Group, LLP |
1 |
United Health Group |
1 |
Summit Creek Advisors, LLC |
1 |
U of Minnesota Foundation Investment Advisors |
2 |
Target Financial Services |
1 |
University of Minnesota |
1 |
Think Federal Credit Union |
1 |
University of St. Thomas |
2 |
ThinkEquity Partners |
1 |
US Bankcorp |
18 |
Tradewinds Investment Advisors |
1 |
US Trust Company |
1 |
Twele Capital Management, Inc |
1 |
Varde Partners, Inc |
2 |
UBS Financial Services Inc |
1 |
Versant Capital Management, Inc |
1 |
Ulland Investment Advisors, Inc |
1 |
Vocal Laboratories Inc |
1 |
United Bankers Bank |
1 |
Voyageur Asset Management Inc |
3 |
United Health Group |
1 |
Walleye Trading LLC |
1 |
University of Minnesota |
1 |
Walrus Partners, LLC |
1 |
US Trust Co |
1 |
Water Street Capital, Inc |
1 |
Versant Capital Management, Inc |
1 |
Waycrosse, Inc |
1 |
Vocal Laboratories Inc |
1 |
Wayzata Investment Partners |
1 |
Walleye Trading LLC |
1 |
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. |
36 |
Walrus Partners, LLC |
1 |
White Pine Capital, LLC |
3 |
Water Street Capital, Inc |
1 |
Whitebox Advisors |
2 |
Waycrosse, Inc |
1 |
WhiteHorse Capital Partners |
1 |
Wayzata Investment Partners |
1 |
Willis Re Inc |
1 |
Weatherlly Consulting |
1 |
Windsor Financial Group, Inc |
3 |
WhiteHorse Capital Partners |
1 |
Winslow Capital Management, Inc |
2 |
Wills Re Inc |
1 |
Woodland Partners |
1 |
Woodland Partners |
1 |